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Jingle and Mingle royalty visits Hastings City Council

The City of Hastings Wednesday recognized the Prince and Princess of the 2018 Jingle and Mingle Christmas celebration.with an official proclamation,


Honoring the new royalty, Mayor David Tossava noted the contestants wrote essays about what Christmas meant to them.

Princess Hope Carley, 10, in the 5th grade at Central Elementary, wrote about family, traditions and Christmas celebrations in the Netherlands, which she read at the council meeting.

Prince Landyn Neal, 7, in the 1st grade at Star Elementary, wrote about family and the giving and receiving of presents. He asked Tossava to read his.


Hope’s mom and dad are Erin and Brandon Carley; Landyn’s folks are Beth and Anthony Neal. The contest was sponsored by the Hastings Public Library and the Jingle and Mingle Committee.


Photos: (upper left) Jingle and Mingle Princess Hope Carley and Prince Landyn Neal display their proclamations as they pose for a photo with Mayor Dave Tossava


(right ) Princess Hope Carley reads her essay on what Christmas means to her as Mayor Dave Tossava listens.



In other city business, the council approved the contracts for the sale of city property at State Street and Star School Road to Ryan Gillons of Advantage Plumbing, and Clint Neil of CoDee Stamping.


The contracts call for Gillions to pay $20,500 for 4.1 acres with closing on March 12 and for Neil to pay $36,450 for parcels B and C, with a March 19 closing. The property is already zoned industrial, its intended use.


City Manager Jeff Mansfield told the council that Daniel Kirwin, a Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer  will do the assessing for Hastings for the months of January, February and through the  March Board of Review for a fee of $3,000 per month.


Kirwin, who has been filling in since the absence of Jackie Timmerman is “well respected in the assessing community," Mansfield said, adding that Jackie recommended him.

An independent contractor, Kirwin’s contract can be extended for a month or more by mutual consent. “We plan to revisit staffing needs in the assessing department during January and February to determine how we might best proceed on a longer term basis,” Mansfield wrote in a memo to the council.


No action was taken Wednesday; the contract will be reviewed for typos and brought back for approval at the January 14 meeting.


Also, the Hastings Police Department road patrol officers will get new bullet proof vests after approval by the council. Chief Jeff Pratt said a grant will cover one half of the $9,251 cost, with the price set by MiDeal, a state purchasing plan.



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