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Commission on Aging funding for a new building gets another look

Repairing the leaking roof on the Commission on Aging building for $25,750 by True Colors Industrial, with funds to come from the Building Rehabilitation Fund was recommended by the County Commission’s committee of the whole Tuesday.


COA Executive Director Tammy Pennington said a sealed system roof was needed to repair the 18 year roof that leaks the entire length of the building except the main room.

“We really, truly, have reached the point where we have to do something,” she said.


The COA is a county building and the cost should come from county funds, the agenda request reads. The board voted for the emergency fix despite reservations of Commissioner Jon Smelker.

“We put roofs on Charlton Park, now the COA; can other county buildings be repaid if they paid it for a roof out of their fund balance?...(County entities) that get millage are not taking care of their buildings, not repairing roofs when they have a fund balance," Smelker said.


Mixed in the discussion was a request from Commissioner Ben Geiger to pay for the roof but also direct Administrator Michael Brown to, “do some research and find out if there is a way to finance a new COA building without millage, using existing reserves, bonds or USDA loans.”


Geiger said they know the COA building is falling apart, the roofs have been leaking for years, and they have options for a new COA. “I don’t want to put any more money into the money pit…We’ve done a ton of this work already…we need to look at county resources and see what it would cost without millage…give our taxpayers a break...Michael can research the financial impact on the COA and the county.”


“We can get by for the next two or three years and look at all options, with no promises made to you on my part,” Commissioner Dan Parker said.


The roof is guaranteed against leaks for 12 years, with an option for an inspection and another 12 years of warranty. According to the bid, the work will, “stop the current degradation of the roof, seal and eliminate leaks with a flexible and seamless multi-layer system, reduce thermal shock and pay for itself in energy savings alone.”


In other business Tuesday, the committee of the whole recommended the full board approve:


*buying a 2020 Lund Model 1800 Alaskan with a 90 h.p. Mercury outboard motor and Trailmaster trailer for the Barry County Sheriff’s Office Marine Division. It would replace a 2001 Lund boat, 90 h.p. Mercury motor and trailer to be sold by sealed bid. The 18-year-old boat and trailer have so many deficiencies that it is considered the “last resort” for use by the marine division staff, Undersheriff Matt Houchlei said.


The new boat includes a boat cover, battery, tie downs, horn fire extinguisher, spare tire and prop. The lowest of three bids was Sportfisherman’s Center of Muskegon for $25,128 to come from the Vehicle Fund.


Since the 2001 boat was paid for by a DNR grant, the sale proceeds must be used for marine interests; it will go into its account to upgrade and buy marine equipment, Houchlei said.


* changes and additions to the Barry County Information Technology Security Policy written about 10 years ago and last updated in 2017, as requested by IT Director David Shinavier.  Included in Version7.0 are policies on disaster recovery procedures, security awareness training, use of information technology resources and changes to Appendix A.


*new office furniture and floor mat for the Specialty Courts Office and office dividers for the Family Division clerical staff for $17,766.46. Tammi Price, program manager of the Adult Specialty Courts, said the Trial Court was granted up to $33,000 to replace old and worn furniture from the Capital Replacement Fund 2019 budget. Much of the furniture are from when it was substance abuse office with paint chipping, dents and chips in desks with drawers that don’t close, Price said. Also, it will allow for more storage space, and rearrangement of the reception area for better interaction with the public.


*the purchase  of a 2019 GMC Terrain to replace a like vehicle totaled in an accident on June 20 through MiDeal requested by Jan Otto, deputy trial court administrator. The county’s insurer, Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority, will pay the county $25,000 for the damaged vehicle, plus $2,300 for salvage, with both checks going into the county’s account. No money is requested; it is anticipated that the insurance settlement will pay for a new vehicle.


Also, appointing delegate officers and alternates to attend the MERS conference in October will wait until next week when Commissioner Conner will be present.







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